Great Hearts Arizona [1] is excited to share some remarkable achievements across our academies. For the third year in a row, our Great Hearts Archway K-5 schools have been recognized by the Arizona Department of Education [2] as the highest-performing network of elementary schools in the state.
The news of this achievement came by way of the Arizona State Board of Education [4] who recently released a state report card [5] that gives a snapshot of how Arizona schools are performing by assigning a letter grade based on various factors, including core class proficiency, graduation rates, and more.
“Great Hearts elementary schools or Archway Classical Academies, as we refer to them, are led and staffed by the finest educators in Arizona,” shared Great Hearts Arizona [1] Superintendent, Brandon Crowe. “Our students thrive because we view academic success as the natural byproduct of immersing young people in a rich Classical education.”
As Crowe pointed out, these successful rankings are looked at as byproduct rather than a benchmark that Great Hearts stives to reach. The stated purpose of Great Hearts is to cultivate the minds and hearts of students through the pursuit of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty. Academic success from our scholars is considered a welcomed consequence of this pursuit.
Leanne Fawcett, the Great Hearts Arizona [1] Executive Director of Lower Schools attributes the success to a team effort. “Our teachers and staff are dedicated to the growth of every student both academically and morally. No scholar is left behind and everyone experiences challenge appropriate to him or her. We are grateful for the support of our scholars’ parents which cannot be undervalued. It is truly a community effort,” she said.
Yvette Cooper, Headmaster at Archway Lincoln [6] shares Fawcett’s sentiment of a community effort. “This achievement is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and shared vision of our teachers, students, and families, all committed to nurturing a love of learning and character,” said Cooper. “Together, we inspire students to reach their fullest potential, preparing them to lead lives of purpose and integrity.”
Archway Chandler [7] Headmaster, Lisa Brady echoed this thought adding, “The success of the Archways is a testament to partnership between parents and teachers, combined with a rigorous curriculum and a focus on character development.”
Thomas Taylor, Headmaster at Archway North Phoenix [8] agrees that the cultivation of the soul is just as important as the cultivation of the mind. “Our teachers see our scholars as human beings and help them understand how to flourish in all areas of their educational experience. At Archway North Phoenix [8] we have a culture that supports our wonderful teachers which is one area that contributes to our teacher retention, and in addition our campus wide success,” explained Taylor. “Our teachers also do an exemplary job at having high academic and behavioral standards that allow our scholars to thrive in the classroom environment.” Taylor added that his teachers foster a love of learning, demonstrated by their scholar’s success.
Over at Archway Scottsdale [10], Headmaster Anthony Sciubba, Ph.D. believes our Archway academies go above and beyond other institutions to prepare students for the next stage in their scholastic journey. “An Archway education inspires habits of the heart inclined towards virtue – it trains the affections, shapes character, and forms souls, preparing our students, not just for success, but leadership within their chosen field,” shared Sciubba. “At Archway Scottsdale [10], we care about what our students go on to do, but we care far more about who they become.”
While she admits the designation from the Arizona Department of Education [2] is an honor, Suzanne DeStefano, the Headmaster at Archway Glendale [11] is even more impressed by the academies’ unwavering commitment to their mission. “We have stayed true to our mission of forming hearts and minds in virtue and truth while providing a classical education,” she said. “Without teaching to the test or overly focusing on standardized test scores, our students excelled on our state’s academic measures.”
Stephanie Kaye, Headmaster at Archway Cicero [12] understands that education that cultivates human flourishing is foundational to the human condition. “Through our curriculum and intentional culture, we teach children to pursue virtue in all areas of their life so when they achieve success in their chosen field, they will also have the sensibilities to lead others and to enjoy life,” she shared.
At Archway Veritas [14], Headmaster Megan Optiz explained that forming children’s minds and hearts has been their mission since their inception in 2011. “Our teachers have committed themselves to this good work in tandem to providing this rich curriculum in a loving and joyful way,” she said. “We are honored to be recognized as a high performing school in the state of Arizona.”
“It brings me great peace, knowing that our teachers and students are pursuing excellence,” said Cassie Mason, Headmaster at Archway Arete [15]. “Along that path they are encountering wonder, remaining curious, overcoming challenges, and learning to engage in thoughtful conversation with one another. It is an honor to serve our families and students and to be part of something this impactful. Not for the bottom line or letter grade, but for the pride and joy that is felt when you see those around you succeeding. This is something to celebrate!”
And celebrate we will, while continuing to offer a quality, classical education that everyone deserves “We are proud of our students’ and their teachers’ success, and we are blessed to serve their families so well,” added Crowe.
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