STOP! Before you can volunteer, you must be cleared through Great Hearts.  You will need to submit a Volunteer Application through Raptor, watch a short Volunteer Orientation Video from Mrs. DeStefano, and sign and return the Volunteer Agreement to the school office. Links for all these items can be found HERE.

Committee Signups and General Volunteers

Okay, now that you’ve been approved to volunteer, add your name to our PSO Volunteer Interest List by submitting the form below. Please read over the brief job descriptions. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at

Lunchroom Volunteer: Support our hot lunch program in the kitchen by serving food to our students. Without volunteers, the PSO cannot offer a hot lunch program.

Section Parent: Become the liason between classroom teachers and the classroom parents. You, along with a team of other grade level section parents, will support our grade-level celebrations and other events. This is a great way to get inside your child’s class.

Photography: We are always in need of volunteers to take photos throughout the year that will be used in our yearbook, social media, and other platforms. If you have an artistic eye, please reach out to us. (We ask that you supply your own camera.)

Lunch and Recess: Please consider covering lunch and recess duties so our teachers can use this time to prep in the classroom. You will take the class to and from the lunchroom, monitor the playground, while keeping our kids safe and happy. You will be acting as a support teacher inside the lunchroom and on the playground.  These opportunities will be communicated via your classroom section parent.

You will be the first to know about upcoming PSO volunteer opportunities.

Volunteer Interest List

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