Carpool Program

The carpool program is a free service provided by the PSO and is available to help Glendale parents find other families in their neighborhood to organize a carpool for the 24-25 school year for both Glendale Prep and Archway Glendale. If you have participated in the Carpool Program in previous years, you will need to signup again so we have current data.

Please fill out the form below. After completing the form, you will receive an email with a link to the password-protected carpool map containing the contact information and location of other Glendale parents also seeking a ride-share.

Please email any questions you may have to

Carpool Program - 2024-2025

    Liability and Disclaimer: Archway Classical Academy | Glendale assumes no responsibility for any errors, omission, delay, damage, and/or injury due to use of the Carpool Program provided within this application. Archway Classical Academy | Glendale assumes no liability whatsoever for the loss or damage to any vehicle and/or its contents, or for injury to or death of any person, which arises in the course of, in connection with or as a result of the Carpool Program, including, without limitation, vehicle accidents, driving infractions and incidents involving carpool participants. Archway Classical Academy | Glendale is not responsible for ensuring the quality or licensing of drivers that participate in the Carpool Program, or for ensuring that vehicles of participants are road worthy and properly insured.
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