Section Parents

One of the greatest ways you can give back to Archway Glendale is through volunteering. The Parent Service Organization (PSO) is looking for 1-2 Section Parents per classroom for the 2022-2023 school year to help out. Every grade is given a budget by the PSO to purchase supplies and food for each event and celebration.

Section Parent Responsibilities:

  1. Liaisons between teachers and parents – teachers will occasionally reach out to their section parents when they need help with grade level events or need volunteers for certain activities. In these cases, section parents will organize a sign up and/or gather materials and volunteers as needed
  2. Liaison between PSO and parents – several times throughout the year, the PSO will ask section parents to correspond with classroom parents to help with certain events and requests
  3. Monthly Teacher Snacks – One Wednesday a month, the PSO provides teachers and staff with a snack during their planning hour. Section parents will organize, purchase/make, and drop off a snack for their grade and a few extra staff members
  4. Teacher Birthdays – Section parents will coordinate with room parents to provide a birthday gift for each teacher in their class

If you are interested in becoming a section parent, please submit the form below and we will be in touch with you as the school year kicks off.

Section Parent Interest List

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