Trunk or Treat
The PSO is hosting a Trunk or Treat on October 28th. Dress up your kids in their Read-a-Thon costume and decorate your car (Psst: there will be a contest)! We have the entire parking lot reserved. The parking lot entrance off of 83rd will shut down at 4:00pm. The driveway off of Pinnacle Peak will remain open all afternoon.
Please RSVP using the form below so we know how many students to expect.
- Trunk-or-Treat set up: 3:30PM
- Trunk-or-Treat: 4:00-4:30PM
- Parking lot shuts down: 4:00 (all cars needing access to the school can enter off of Pinnacle Peak)
- Breakdown: 4:30-5:00PM
We look forward to seeing you there.